Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Am Back... !

I’m back from vacation. My mind is still somehow there after a full week away, the longest vacation I’ve ever taken. I think :-)

It’s tough getting back on track (not to mention unburied from email after not really checking it). So lots of settling back in to be done.

I managed to stay away from any virtual connection for a week. I didnt bother about checking my email. No time for blogging, no news feed for facebook. It was nice… but tough to get back into the swing of things.

Thanks so much to friends for spending time with me. It was fun indeed. Thanks to you for wishing me back safe and sound. I had nothing to worry about. I will get back to blogging for real once i am ready.

Vacation got off to an inauspicious start.

But mostly it was a relaxing week. Not thinking about anything else, other than pondering a few big picture issues, but vacation was mainly about vacation – a good thing. I spent more time exploring my other passion; photography. I am still learning and very happy with my new toy. Gonna go play with it a little more.

Thanks for hanging with me and this blog during my time away. It’s good to be back – recharged and ready to dive back into work and the blog. 

God willing.


  1. hah gambor takde ke? hiks

  2. Welkam back, Supermeng!

    Salam BW. Moh bekpes. Hujan pepagi neh. LApor. :p

  3. hepi hepi...hehe...

    selamat pagi!!! selamat pagi meng! selamat pagi BW! selamat pagi xarz!!

  4. selamat kembali ke tanah air...selamat kembali berbloging semula....harap2 semua sihat walafiat....jaga diri baik2... :)

  5. nak bekpes la..tapik tunggu geng lamabt sampai sebab ujan

  6. BW, nah aku ada karipap lagi 2 ketul...makanlah...

    air teh ni kita share ye..hehe...

    kawan ungu dok puchong...dia cakap tiap2 malam ujan...balik keje selalu kena ujan sebab naik moto...hrp2 dia cepat sihat..:)

  7. ohoo baru aku ingat aku kena pos benda kat ko ungu...hiks...

  8. daun kan BW...yeay yeay...hihihi

    ungu transfer wang pos...?

  9. akua lempang budak ungu ni kan mau?

    hahahha mati la garang

  10. Aku dah bekpes tapik cam tak kenyang? rasanya dah baca basmalah.

    Uit! AKu dah gumuks giler!!!!

    Bila nak insap neh!!!

    Pagi Ungu.. muahhh.. hehehe. hari ni mood ok sbb bos aku kasik aku release payment! So, no more harresment from vendor ku.

    Meng, kalau ko just letak piccas2 scenery time travel pong occay.

    Lelama jadik blog travel sesilap leh wat duit cam member chinoz aku.

    Keroje dia? Melancong.. melancong melancong! La ni kat russia!!

  11. *sengih2..

    yey yey ada update... aku happy...

    **baru semalam aku give up menunggu(tapi dok refresh sampai termimpi)

    welkam back mr.sup..we love u..

    btw.. bw aku dah dapat segala yang kau pos.. campur keychain yang ko pos+tasya.... makin meriah koleksi aku..


  12. kau dah lempang ke blm BW...hehe...

    Xarz...nama dia chinoz ke? aku pernah admire kat sorang lelaki, nama dia chinoz...sebab muka dia chinese look n dia sangat ensem...hehehe...

  13. hehhe.. nama dia leo. comey gaks. budak guilin, china. aku mmg panggey dak cina chinoz.

    Ko nak kenalan? umor dia 23-24thn sajork. occay tak? hahaha.. aku nak tukau propesen jadik match maker leh?

  14. takmo la...muda sangat..hehe... apa kata untuk kau je xarz...kikiki

  15. ada lagi key chain korea n bali utk ko lily

  16. kalu kat ko dah mude sgt ungu.. kat aku errrk??

    Anak ikan? Hehehe..

    Ungu, semalam kan umah nebor aku kena rampok. Sempat aku main mata dgn mamat polis forensik. Hensem. Tinggi. rasanya umor dalam 28-30. ko nak? heheh

  17. hahaha...ko ni, setakat main mata je ke...ada tuko2 no phone tak?
    takmo la xarz...

  18. hehehe.. tak dan nak tukar no fon sbb aku penat.

    cuti aku tak lulus lah tuk taipusam nanti. sedey..

  19. bagus la....boleh teman aku..hiks...opis aku tak cuti pun taipusam nanti....hari hol pun tak cuti....


  20. Morning havocs~

    Supermeng~ I don't usually make this kind of confession - I really missed you! Welcome back :)

  21. aku cooti taipusam tapik aku nak minta cuti hari jumaat lepas taipusam. silap2 taipusam pong kena dtg keje. odit nak mai dah next monday.

    *nanges jugeks

  22. ada lagik?..


    *sengih memanjang..

    aku happy ni sebenarnya...

    aku gaji hari ni.. hahhahahahaha

    *tembak semua orang guna duit..


  23. Odit dtg awal tahun? Huu~ (atau company kitorang saja auditnya dtg akhir tahun?)

    Nah tisu xarx~

  24. sambut duit yang lili tembak..

    yeay dapat 100...hehe...

  25. aku tak der mood nak keja ni ungu... aku tak suka ini negara.. aku suka Malaysia tanah airku yang tercinta..

    *salam perantauan dari Timor. (minum milo)

  26. korang dah sarap?..

    *datang jin mencapap dengan terlebih aksi..

    **matila orang menyampah..

    (kembali ke alam berzakh)

  27. hujan emas di negeri orang kan...

    kau keje fulltime ke situ lily...


    hahaha... bold dan CL menunjukkan penegasan..

  29. huhu...kau marah ke lily...takpe, nanti cari keje kat malaysia je la...

  30. eh marah apanya ungu...

    syukur dah ni kontrak ungu... kalau tetap.. mati kering aku kat sini.. hhaahhahaha...

    tema hidup : kerjalah di mana sahaja..

    *matila tema hidup tak best...

  31. Cik Kopi.. makaseh atas tisu yg diberi uhuks! (sambil menghirup kopi o ) hehehe..

    Tah ler. mmg biasa odit awal thn or at least by february.

    Tapik yg neh mmg giler awal.

    Aku baru join ini kampen. terus rush tuk odit!!

    *pitam tepi printer!

  32. hoyeh hoyeh!!!

    besemangat tiba2..matilah!

  33. jom tukor kerja lily...

    intai zul..kat temapt ko ada kosong?..heh tapik dakmo jadi cikdu

  34. BW, kalu aku berhijrah ke Indonesia occay tak?

    Rerasa dapat tak lelaki seganteng Bambang? hehheeh.. ganteng kah ittew bambang?

  35. **mak hadir dgn seluo lipat smpai lutut.

    Welkam back Meng.

  36. ko g la hijrah xarz..lebih seminggu ko menangis nak balik

    pergi cuti lebih 5 hari mula la gelepur nak balik m'sia tak sabar2 ..rindu tak keruan tetau kat sapa...wpon lah selawa mana negara org..nampak bumbung airport pong dah melonjak gumbira..hahaha

  37. mgkin ada misi mencuci kilang kot..hiks..

  38. bw,
    belum banjir lagi johor w/pun ujan turun lebat2.. ni baru lepas ujan.

    yezzzaaaa... bukan cuci kilang...cuci jamban opis...mak kan cum segala mende...

    Kepada sume,
    meh makan asam!

  39. Meng,

    Nak ngk gambo.

    Misti ko dah beli kamera canggih.

  40. wahhhh..meriahnya..

    td rase dah komeng, tp tak kuar cos tk identify nick hahaha

    kabare u olss??

    have a nice day

  41. senyap je...




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