
Sunday, April 23, 2017

EUROPE | LONDON - 07 : Bicester Village

Ayuh kita tamatkan edisi London ni tanpa perlu berceloteh panjang.

Hari terakhir, destinasi terakhir.... kami ke Bicester Village ! 

Bicester Village ni adalah outlet shopping yang agak glamer di London ni dan memang menjadi tumpuan kaki kaki shopping untuk datang dan berbelanja di sini. Aku dulu dah datang sekali, still tak leh jumpa apa benda aku nak cari, tapi sebab teman orang... i follow ..............

Since dia orang ni semua belum sampai ke sini, so aku ikut je lah. Lagipun aku memang tak de plan nak shopping pun.

Perjalanan dari London ke Bicester Village lebih kurang 1 jam setengah. Cuaca agak gloomy sepanjang jalan

Sampai sampai, park kereta dan masing masing dah tak karuan. Excited nak shopping.

So masing masing membawa haluan sendiri. Keluar masuk kedai yang di idami

Aku pun merayap jugak, tapi tak masuk pun kedai kedai ni. Tak tau nak cari apa...

Just lepak lepak usha orang

Dari hujung sini ke hujung sana, patah balik... aku macam hilang punca.

Nak masuk kedai kedai ni orang pun ramai. Buat serabut kepala jer...

Sudahnya aku beli kopi

Dan cari port lalu minum kopi

Sambil tu layan suasana dan persekitaran kawasan Bicester Village ni

Dan bunga bunga yang masih mekar

Menghiasi kawasan walaupun musim sejuk bakal menjelang

Dan daun daun sudah mula kekeringan

Aku pun lupa mana aku snap gambar ni

Tapi layan la lagi gambar gambar Bicester Village ni.

Bicester Village is located just an hour from London. This luxury destination is home to more than 130 boutiques of world-famous brands, each offering exceptional value with savings of up to 60% on the recommended retail price.

Together with a selection of restaurants and cafés, the Village offers luxury services that include Valet Parking, Hands-free Shopping, the award-winning Bicester Visitor Centre, and onsite tax refund and money change service.

Bicester Village is one of the Collection of 11 Chic Outlet Shopping® Villages in Europe and China by Value Retail.

Nampak sangat aku kebosanan teman orang shopping kan?

Dan dia orang ni konon konon nak singgah kejap je kat sini. Plan nak gi Oxford lah, Stonehenge lah tapi tu semua jadi mimpi jer... Sebab lama sangat kat Bicester Village ni. Abis shopping sampai tak muat kereta, kami berangkat terus balik ke Heathrow Airport untuk penerbangan malam meninggalkan London ini.

Terminal 2


Tak de restoran Halal kat T2 ni. Ada vege meals je

Duty Free

Ready untuk boarding

Bye bye London......................  

Walaupun aku tak berapa gemar London ni, tapi harapnya nanti kita akan bersua lagi !

I will leave my heart at the door
I won't say a word
They've all been said before, you know
So why don't we just play pretend
Like we're not scared of what is coming next
Or scared of having nothing left

Look, don't get me wrong
I know there is no tomorrow
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?

I don't need your honesty
It's already in your eyes
And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me
No one knows me like you do
And since you're the only one that matters
Tell me who do I run to?

Look, don't get me wrong
I know there is no tomorrow
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?

Let this be our lesson in love
Let this be the way we remember us
I don't wanna be cruel or vicious
And I ain't asking for forgiveness
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?

Tapi penerbangan dari London tidak terus membawa kami pulang ke tanahair. Ada misi lain yang memang buat aku ternanti nanti. 

Excited sungguh kali ni.....sebabnya, bumi Istanbul bakal kami jejaki.............



  1. Bicester Village ... org sana sebut lain, kita sebut ikut ejaan hahhahahaa

    Orang Malaya ramai kat sana kan! Setiap kali gi sini, pasti bertemu ngan orang orang Malaya yang shopping berbeg beg gitu .... Kita selalu berborak ngan PakCik PakCik or Makcik Makcik yg datang tgk anak anak dia org kat UK ... tapi kalau style style Datuk Datuk or Datin Datin, dia org susah sikit nak senyum or borak kan !


    1. hahaha biasalah tu jaga standard tapi tetap gi shopping kat tempat murah.
