
Saturday, April 22, 2017

EUROPE | LONDON - 06 : Hard Rock Cafe, London

Hari yang mungkin di nanti nantikan di kota London ni.

Hari ni hari terakhir dan aktiviti hari ni adalah menyopping !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................

Sebab aku memang x reti nak shopping, so aku teman kawan kawan je lah.. Cuaca hujan gerimis dari subuh hari. Seolah olah menangisi hari terakhir kami di bumi London ni. 

Hari ni jugak kami sewa kereta sebab ada satu destinasi yang nak di kunjungi so kami fikir menyewa kereta adalah jalan yang terbaik untuk urusan urusan hari ni.

Check out hotel

Sesi pertama shopping bermula awal pagi. Lepas check out hotel, kami ke Bayswater. Kami ke sana sebab nak cari souvenir !!!

Area Bayswater

Kedai kedai tepi jalan


Pusing pusing mencari souvenirs

Masing masing tuju ke tempat yang sepatutnya....

Beli cenderamata dan barangan barangan souvenir

Macam macam ada. Murah jugak la kat area ni kalau nak shopping dan berbelanja souvenir.

Selesai port pertama, bergerak ke port ke dua.

Hard Rock Cafe, London.

Datang ke mari sebab nak beli merchandise sebab orang kriim. Kalau untuk diri sendiri memang tak beli apa pun.

Sebab HRC London adalah godmother of all the Hard Rock Cafe di dunia ni, jadi kena la datang melawat kawasan...

Pegi merchandise shop je dulu. Nasib bukak awal pagi.

Kat dalam Rock Shop, London

Design biasa biasa je dan kurang menarik

Koleksi baru pun tak banyak

Nak tak nak terpaksa beli sebab orang dah kirim

Kalau nak jumpa orang Melayu... datang la Hard Rock.. sure terjumpa punya !

Waktu operasi

Dah alang alang berada di Rock Shop. Gi usha Hard Rock Cafe London yang terletak kat sebelah Rock Shop ni. Hard Rock Cafe London ni adalah Hard Rock Cafe pertama yang di buka di dunia ni......


Est. June 14, 1971

Discover the place known for its authentic dining and world class entertainment when you visit Hard Rock Cafe London. Standing on Old Park Lane since June 14th 1971, and proudly boasting a Mayfair neighborhood address, Hard Rock London was the first cafe where the classes mingled.


Kat dalam

Usha usha sikit

Legendary Flavors and Inspired Dining

Our food inspires locals and tourists alike to visit Hard Rock Cafe London. Enjoy freshly prepared American entrees and classic favorites like our Legendary® Burger. From flavorful salads, to savory signature dishes, our chefs use only the freshest ingredients to create culinary perfection for every guest. Experience the difference of Hard Rock’s service with an energetic, hardworking staff, ready to provide you with everything you need to enjoy the perfect meal.

Dalam resto. Memuila macam nak lepak minum tapi sebab tak banyak masa so tak jadi lah.

Koleksi memorabilia

Hard Rock Cafe London

Celebrating the Culture of Hard Rock

With more than 40 years as London’s Ambassadors of Rock, Hard Rock Cafe London offers food, entertainment, and culture under one roof. Explore London’s only rock n’ roll museum when you visit The Vault, a treasure trove featuring the most valuable pieces of music memorabilia from across the globe. Tucked away in an old Coutts Bank, The Vault was once used to protect the Queen’s coffers. A visit to Hard Rock Cafe London is an inspired cultural and culinary experience.

Please Note that Dogs are not permitted on our premises (with the exception of seeing eye dogs)

Tamat lawatan

150 Old Park Lane,
London W1K 1QZ, England
+44 207 514 1700

Mon - Thur 11:30AM - 12:30AM
Fri - 11:30AM - 1:00AM
Sat - 11:00AM - 1:00AM
Sun 11:30AM - 10:30PM

Mon - Sat 9:30AM - 11:30PM
Sun - 9:30AM - 11.00PM

There's a light
A certain kind of light
That never shone on me
I want my life to be lived with you
Lived with you
There's a way everybody say
To do each and every little thing
But what does it bring
If I ain't got you, ain't got? Hey babe

You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you

In my brain
I see your face again
I know my frame of mind
You ain't got to be so blind
And I'm blind, so so sorrily blind
I'm a man, can't you see
What I am
I live and I breathe for you
But what good does it do
If I ain't got you, ain't got? Hey babe

You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you


You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you

Noo noo no-no nooo nooooo

You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you

Abis di Hard Rock Cafe London, kami bergerak ke Oxford Street. Kat sini pun datang bershopping jugak. Beli mana yang belum beli.! Shopping apa yang patut. Habiskan duit mana yang memang dah bercadang nak melontar lontar wang di kawasan sini.

Apa ni??

Letih shopping dah !

Maka berakhirlah sepagi di kota London untuk urusan membeli belah.

Tapi ada agenda lain lagi lepas ni. Agenda terakhir sebelum kami berangkat pulang ke tanahair tercinta malam nanti.............



  1. Apa jenis brg yg boleh dishopping kat Oxford Street tu?

    1. macam macam ado.. mok denge ayoh je takdop.... heheh.

  2. Meng sombong ... dah sampai kat Bayswater tak singgah pun kantin Malaysian Hall ... Itulah tempat lepak and kedai mamak kannn ... suka ngan makanan kat Malaysian Hall tuh, memang terasa segala galanya !!!

    1. heheheh.. kejar masa.. lagipun x lapar sgt. hujan pulak tu.. settle kan yg penting dulu..

      next time lah pegi say hi kat situ

  3. hotel visits? 24/7? memang aku takkan bagi laki aku gi londong ...
