
Monday, October 8, 2018

My Biryani House @ KL TRILLION

Semasa menginap di Ariva Trillion Residences KL tu, tercari cari jugak port makan yang best yang berdekatan.

Since lepak kat suite dia tu je dah sangat best, jadi nak keluar jalan jauh jauh adalah satu kemalasan yang munasabah !

Setakat makan dan kudap kudap tu, boleh lah menghidupkan roh saja. Jadi.. riki punya riki, jumpa My Biryani House ni. 

Jadi kami pun usha............

My Biryani House

Ada promo

Macam menarik.. Lagi pun macam tak de choice lain since kami malas nak menapak ke tempat lain.

Life Never Tasted So Good..!!

My Biryani House has grown into one of the most-admired restaurant in the country today. Our cuisine is loved for its purity and taste, true in every mouthful to its royal origins. Over the past years, we won the hearts of guests in Kuala Lumpur by serving thousands of guests.

We serve authentic Hyderabadi, Indian and Chinese cuisine to our guests every day. For many, our Restaurant invoke fond memories of good times spent with friends and families. All through the day, they teem with the sparkling energy of guests enjoying delicious My Biryani House cuisine in a relaxing ambience.

We ensure consistency of taste and quality through a meticulous standard operating procedures. We, however, believe that our greatest reward is the trust and loyalty bestowed on us by our delighted guests.

Bersetuju untuk settle down makan di sini saja lah.

Usha setting resto....................

Dari luar nampak kodi, tapi bila masuk dalam macam mewah semacam....Not bad. 

Usha dulu pasal kedai ni.............

For us, “Guests are equivalent to God” and we shall always extend to our guests and enthusiastic welcome and offer our greatest service.

Our mission is to serve the best Indian cuisine, including the “world’s most favorite Authentic Hyderabad Dum Biryani” in a comfortable and friendly-family environment.

Our objective is to keenly listen to our guests with a view to continuously to improvise our signature experience.

Our approach is to generate customer delight by serving guests in a truly personalized manner by paying close attention to their unique needs and expectations.

In essence, our philosophy is best expressed through our tagline “Life Never Tasted So Good”

Semasa kami sampai, ada few family macam ada gathering so agak ramai. Bila mereka lest, suasana jadi tenang semula. Cas cas romantika di amore pun ada gak lah...

Tapi tak boleh beromantika mana. I is LAPAR !!!

Menu !

Buku menu biasa biasa je. Menu pun agak varienty dan mostly Indian cuisine..... So dah tahu apa yang nak di order.........

Beryani ayam dengan Nan Cheese makan dengan Chicken Tikka ( dan saat ini )...

Air pulak ada air tin jer.. tak de yang bancuh bancuh. Terus hilang rasa kemewahan kat resto ni...

Pekerja dia macam mamat ni sorang jer... Dia lah cashier dia lah ambik order.

Touch & Pay

Tapi rasa beryani dan Naan dia not bad. Sedap lah. Kena dengan selera dan harga pun munasabah ! Paling penting, Halal certified.

Kalau terasa nak cuba, dipersilakan datang ke My Biryani House di KL Trillion ni..

Life never tasted so goooooood !

LG03, KL Trillion,
Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur

my biryani house
fb : MyBiryaniHouseKL/

Mon to Fri: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Sat & Sun: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Mon to Fri: 11:30 AM - 11:00 PM
Sat & Sun: 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Mon to Sat: 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Sun: 5:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Selamat mencuba !

Selain dari tu, kedai kedai resto lain semuanya tak berapa memenuhi piawaian..

Tang malam. Siang siang boleh keluar berjalan jauh skit la kot.................. !