
Friday, March 17, 2017

Koleksi IRAN : Wajah Wajah Persia......

Wajah wajah persia.....

Walaupun aku suka travel dan ambik gambar tapi aku memang tak gemar nak ambik gambar potret orang sebab aku takut orang tak selesa. Tapi dekat Iran ni lain sikit, dia orang kadang kadang panggil kita suruh ambik gambar depa.

Dan few times jugak dia orang nak bergambar dengan aku !

* so few times aku cas cas artis di bumi orang......

Sebab macam ada banyak gak gambar muka orang, so aku share lah wajah wajah Iranian yang sempat aku snappy. Paling senang ambik gambar budak budak sebenarnya, tak de lah segan mana. Tapi kalau nak ambik gambar dia orang pun, boleh je bagi isyarat dan mintak permission. Most of the time dia orang yang terlebih gembira bila kita nak tala kamera.

Ada jugak la gambar gambar curi yang terlepas sekeping dua.............. :-)

Enjoice...... !

and save the best for last.... ya aw aw................ !

It's over and done
but the heartache lives on inside
And who's the one you're clinging to
instead of me tonight?

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotion taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world tohold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight

I'm there at your side,
I'm part of all the things you are
But you've got a part of someone else
You've got to find your shining star

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotion taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world tohold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotion taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world tohold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight

Dan sesuai namanya sebagai bumi Parsi, di Iran memang  banyak kucing kucing berkeliaran. Malangnya semuanya sombong sombong cas cas hidung tinggi belaka.

Usha !


  1. semua comellllllllllllll...

    orang2nya & kucennnnnnnnnnnnnnn <3

    1. nampak je comel tapi sukar di dekati.... hard selling

  2. Lawa dan hemsem diorang ni...termasuk le kucingsssss.....tapi yang save the best for last tu memang cung....tajam taste ko Meng :-)

    1. of chosss...... berapa tahun berpengalaman dalam bidang skodeng skodeng awek ni....

      bab mencari keindahan.. serahkan pada yang pakar.

      * tiup kuku ( tapi kuku bercagu )

  3. gambo no 3 tu unik..colourful..

    1. itu dia orang bergambar dengan replection colorful mirror kat masjid nasir al mulk... mcm mcm gaya bungkus membungkus diri sendiri. mcm pocong pun ada..

  4. Mana satu en. Supermeng? Hikhikhik

    Mereka cantik, kacak, comel, jelita, manis.

    Kucing Parsi pun macam kucing Malaysia ek. Tak nampak macam kucing Parsi yg dibela di Malaysia.

    1. yang tukang ambik gambar lah.....

      nama je kucing parsi tapi breeding dia mcm kucing kita je. bulu tebal skit tapi tak panjang

  5. Wajah2 suci kanak2 yg bebas dr dosa...

    1. betul tu..... buat kita terpaksa berfikir, bagaimana masa depan mereka kelak.

      dunia ini hanya fynnjamal ( pinjaman )
