
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Tribe Has Spoken

Banyak betul rintangan, banyak jugak halangan.

Kejap ke kiri, kejap ke kanan.

Ke depan salah, ke belakang tak tentu arah.

Sukarnya membuat pilihan. Masalahnya pilihan tak ada.

1. Aku nak pegi Korea.

2. Aku kena pegi Australia dan New Zealand.

Pujuk pujuk hati, forgo Korea dan pegi ANZ.

Pastu ada pulak halangan pasal kerja. Perlu ke skip ANZ dan berpaling arah pada Korea?

Tapi aku rasa tak ready nak ke Korea sebab separuh jiwa dah sampai NZ. Dah tak sempat nak prepare apa sebab tak cukup masa.

Tindas tindas mati kutu.

Dan macam biasa, bila sampai masa...........

Tak jadi pegi New Zealand, tukar pegi Paris pulop.

* nanges tak nak pegi.

The tribe has spoken, it is time for me to go......

Anak buah aku pesan.

"Kalau pegi Korea, jangan lupa belikan t shirt Osaka"

* pitam

Bye bye !

See you later.

Selamat bercuti bebeh !

When will I see you again
You left with no goodbye
Not a single a word was said
No final kiss to seal or anything
I had no idea of the state we were in

I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness and a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head

But don't you remember
Don't you remember
The reason you loved me before
Baby, please remember me once more

When was the last time
You thought of me
Oh have you completely erased me from your memory
I often think about where I went wrong
The more I do the less I know
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness and a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head

But don't you remember
Don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before
Baby, please remember me once more

Gave you the space so you could breathe,
I kept my distance so you would be free,
And hope that you find the missing piece,
To bring you back to me,


  1. hahaha pegi korea beli tshirt osaka? seb baik tak mintak tshirt korea utara :D

  2. Oii...ko ni asek berjalan jek... cuer dok umah sesekali...hehe

    Meng ko gi korea kim salam kat geng tara ekk...

  3. Ba*** sangattttttttt..ko pegi ROME ke??????
    huarggggggggggggggggggg i iz jeles!! aku baru je berangan 2-3 hari ni nk lepak2 kt Italy..cewahhh..tup2 ko pegi!! (kalau benar lah) i iz jeles again!

    Tolong cium molot ngn Pope tu yek kekeke (if betul la Rome) kekekeke

  4. Oh tidak..adakah adakah adakah ko buat RTW trip kali ini? pasai apa aku ckp cam tu..sebab ko taruk world map meng! ish..i iz terkesima sambil garu2 kepala pikir jawapan sebenar..

  5. Kalau gi Korea, jangan lupa belikan saya t-shirt Auckland.


  6. nanti ko jumpa pope, tanya kenal tak gujappa...HAHAHAHA!
