
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Off For A Mission

Aku borak dengan IG hari tu.

"Gua ada trip pegi Manila beb"
"Hah.. boleh la gua kirim Manila kad"

Hahahha. Bangang.

Pastu kita orang discuss kenapa kertas tu nama dia Manila kad. Korang tau kenapa?

Manila paper is a relatively inexpensive type of paper, generally made through a less refined process than other types of paper. It is typically made from semi-bleached wood fibres. It is not as strong as kraft paper but has better printing qualities. Manila is buff coloured and the fibres are usually visible to the naked eye. Because this paper is generally inexpensive, it is commonly given to children for making child art.

Manila paper was originally manufactured in the Philippines, hence the name. It was made from Manila hemp or abacá.

Manila is most commonly used for making file folders. Some fashion schools and people in the fashion industry use large rolls of Manila to create finalized clothing patterns.

In East Africa, Manila paper refers to card stock paper.

OK. Aku off to Manila dalam misi mencari Manila Kad !

Mabuhay, Manila !!!


  1. manila plak? melampau...

    oleh kerana kemelampauan ko, aku paksa ko blog sekelakar yg mungkin!

    nak manila kad kaler merah satu? nak bawak pi ostolia, nak lukis lambang superman patu lekat kat dada, lebih kurang mcm tribute utk meng la...


  2. kebulur la duk sini.. makanan tiada.. nasik goreng rm50.. rasa mcm makan kertas jer

    xde citer kelakar sgt sini, tapi semua cerita meruntun jiwa raga..

    * baling tisu sekotak ke arah peminat.


  3. Sambotttt tisuuuuu. Gittue. Mahal nye mabuhay punye nasik. Menangis iols nak byr lagu tu. Sobs
